May Meeting
The Meeting will be held using ZOOM on TUESDAY 25 May 2021 at 2:30pm.
(ZOOM details will be sent closer to the meeting date.)
The talk will be given by: Ian Gledhill

The talk is titled: “Art Deco”
Ian will look at how Art Nouveau evolved into the style that defined the jazz era and the golden age of pre-war Hollywood musicals. Art Deco launched a thousand cinemas (and the Hoover factory) and is still influential today.
Ian has had a varied career from designing underground railways for London Transport to appearing in pantomime with Julian Cleary. In between he has worked in travel and tourism, music publishing, on TV and in Theatre where he has been a director, set designer and opera translator.
His main interests include Architecture, History, and Classical Music and Opera and these are reflected in his wide ranging subjects of his lectures.
Keep safe and I hope you enjoy the talk!