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Surrey Network Study Day – Industrial Archaeology at Fifty

The Menuhin Hall Cobham Road, Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3QQ

"Industrial Archaeology at Fifty" by Professors David Perrett and Martin Adams Many IA societies have just achieved their half-century and in 2023 the Association for Industrial Archaeology will also achieve that milestone. After a period of rapid growth in the 1970s and 1980s due to the role played by many adult education classes the societies… Read More »Surrey Network Study Day – Industrial Archaeology at Fifty

Surrey Network Study Day – Amelia B. Edwards: The Great Forgotten Victorian Egyptologist

The Menuhin Hall Cobham Road, Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3QQ

"Amelia B. Edwards: The Great Forgotten Victorian Egyptologist" by Clive Barham Carter Amelia B. Edwards (1831–1892) was an English novelist, journalist, traveller, and Egyptologist. Edwards toured Egypt in the winter of 1873–1874, experiencing a fascination with the land and its cultures, ancient and modern. Journeying southwards from Cairo in a hired dahabiyeh (manned houseboat) she… Read More »Surrey Network Study Day – Amelia B. Edwards: The Great Forgotten Victorian Egyptologist

Surrey Network Study Day – A Study Day on Poetry

The Menuhin Hall Cobham Road, Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3QQ

"A Study Day on Poetry" by Steven Fowler, James Haddow & Roger McGough In this Study Day we bring you three poets, including the renowned Roger McGough, who will together offer members a wide-ranging look at this popular genre. Programme9.30 Registration10.00 Steven Fowler, Kingston University11.00 Coffee / Tea11.30 James Haddow, Taxi Driver Poet12.30 Lunch –… Read More »Surrey Network Study Day – A Study Day on Poetry

Surrey Network Study Day – The Story of Polar Exploration & Arctic Frontiers in a Changing Climate

The Menuhin Hall Cobham Road, Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3QQ

"The Story of Polar Exploration & Arctic Frontiers in a Changing Climate" by John Ash & Robert Headland The speakers have extensive knowledge of polar research and are giving talks on historical activities and current concerns. Their biographical details are given below. Much UK interest in these areas is based at the Scott Polar Research… Read More »Surrey Network Study Day – The Story of Polar Exploration & Arctic Frontiers in a Changing Climate

Surrey Network Study Day – The Dead Sea Scrolls: What They Are & Why They Matter

The Menuhin Hall Cobham Road, Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3QQ

"The Dead Sea Scrolls: What They Are & Why They Matter" by Professor Hugh Williamson OBE FBA The Dead Sea Scrolls were one of the most spectacular archaeological finds of the last century. They attracted enormous popular interest when first displayed but work on publication and interpretation has been going on ever since, even if… Read More »Surrey Network Study Day – The Dead Sea Scrolls: What They Are & Why They Matter

Surrey Network Study Day – The Vikings & Their Influence in The World

The Menuhin Hall Cobham Road, Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3QQ

"The Vikings & Their Influence in The World" by Imogen Corrigan The Viking Age was the period during the Middle Ages when Norsemen known as Vikings undertook large-scale raiding, colonizing, conquest, and trading throughout Europe and reached North America. The Vikings almost need no introduction; an image is instantly conjured up of ferocious fighting men,… Read More »Surrey Network Study Day – The Vikings & Their Influence in The World

The Jazz Age & Beyond

The Menuhin Hall Cobham Road, Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3QQ

Surrey Network Study Day


Evolution of All Life on Earth

Menuhin Hall Cobham Road, Stoke D'Abemon

Science & Technology of Music and Sound - Rainforests/Evolution & Music/Colour. Presented by Dr David Jones, Natural History Museum, and Andrew Hanson, National Physical Laboratory. Places will be available in the hall or for on-line viewing.

Understanding AI & its Repercussions for Society, Now and in The Future

The Menuhin Hall Cobham Road, Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3QQ

Presented by Russell Whitworth, Ian Hawker, Peter Lord, Andrew Rogoyski & Alan FreelandPlaces will be available in the hall or for on-line viewing. Artificial Intelligence cannot be avoided in the news with comments ranging frompraise for its astonishing benefits to alarming stories of the end of humanity. This study day, led bymembers of U3A's “AI… Read More »Understanding AI & its Repercussions for Society, Now and in The Future

Understanding Lowry: The Man, His Life & His Work

The Menuhin Hall Cobham Road, Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3QQ

In the early 1960s, an art critic wrote in the Manchester Guardian: “Lowry was to Manchester what Constable was to Essex”. Once he found his way in expressing his feelings, Laurence Stephen Lowry became the painter of industrial landscapes that surrounded him. After the 1960’s, he felt that what he saw as industrial landscape was… Read More »Understanding Lowry: The Man, His Life & His Work