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Pioneering the “NewSpace” Revolution
Presented by Professor Craig Underwood, Emeritus Professor of Spacecraft Engineering, University of Surrey
Places will be available in the hall or for on-line viewing.
This study day examines how the University of Surrey came to pioneer a new approach to carrying
out space missions using small satellites. This work has developed over many years, with Craig
being involved since 1986.
Craig Underwood is Emeritus Professor of Spacecraft Engineering at the University of Surrey. He took his
undergraduate degree in Physics with Computer Science at York and went on to teach Physics at
Scarborough Sixth-Form College, where he first became involved with Surrey’s UoSAT satellites. In 1986, he
joined Surrey as a researcher and later lecturer, gaining his PhD in 1996. His career focused on the space
environment and its effects on spacecraft design, and on remote sensing instrumentation, leading the
Environments & Instrumentation Group. He became Director of Teaching of the School of Electronics and
Physical Sciences and subsequently Deputy Director of the Surrey Space Centre from 2007-2014. He formally
retired in the summer of 2019 to expand his work on the public understanding of science and engineering.
Craig Underwood formally retired from the University of Surrey in 2019 but continues to teach there and at
the Guildford Institute.